Iodine is essential for the proper function of the thyroid gland and is needed by every cell in the body, including blood plasma and interstices. The body doesn’t naturally product Iodine, so we must consume it in foods that contain iodine such as seaweed, saltwater fish, and where available iodized salt. The thyroid gland is responsible for essential hormone production, distribution and growth, so maintaining healthy levels of iodine in and throughout the body is essential.
Most over-the-counter iodine supplements often contain chemicals and/or ingredients that are harsh on the body and its tissues. Even iodized salt can have negative effects or no effects at all as far as iodizing the tissues of the body. At Liquid Herbs International, we offer a highly unique and revolutionary liquid iodine supplement. Our mono-element glycerite of triiodide of nascent iodine supplement is gentler on the body and its tissues than most other types and forms of iodine or other similar class of iodine products. There are no added harsh chemicals, and no alcohol or gasses are ever used in making our liquid iodine supplement. By using a proprietary multi-step process developed by our founder, L. Carl Robinson, called the Pureodine™ process, we are able to make the most stable, potent iodine concentration allowed by law, gentlest triiodide of nascent iodine, by using glycerin.
Unlike alcohol, glycerin possesses remarkable micro-encapsulating qualities wherein the glycerin micro-encapsulates the triiodide matrix, thus substantially reducing the proclivity of our iodine to sublimate/liberate when the lid/dropper is removed and the solution is exposed to the atmosphere. It also means that this micro-encapsulating of our nascent iodine, that is unique to the Pureodine™ process, results in an iodine product that is gentler on tissues and possesses far less cytotoxicity than is typically seen with other forms and types of iodine products. Added to this is the fact that because our Pureodine™ processed glycerite of mono-element triiodide of nascent iodine is not a chemically manufactured reduced salts of iodide, like potassium iodide for example, Pureodine™ processed mono-element triiodide of nascent iodine possesses none of the well proven and elucidated thyroid suppressing and iodine blocking Wolff-Chaikoff Effects of the reduced mineral salt of potassium iodide, meaning that for the consumer wishing to perform an iodine loading protocol and follow up daily iodine supplementing, less dose amounts of the Pureodine™ processed mono-element triiodide of nascent iodine is required.
What Private Label Branding of Our Pureodine™ Processed Nascent Iodine Does for Business
Businesses looking to focus their marketing efforts according to their customers’ needs should invest in private label branding. Unlike name brands, private label brands are personal, unique, and meaningful. Loyal customers will appreciate the customized label and package, as well as the high-quality and uniquely offered supplement, in this case, our Pureodine™ processed mono-element glycerite triiodide of nascent iodine. Partnering with Liquid Herbs International for you private label brand is a quick way to grow your brand. By offering our high quality and unique Pureodine™ processed glycerite of mono-element triiodide of nascent iodine product that possesses high quality and uniqueness, your business will stand out from the rest.
Call Today to Get Started
With our unique proprietary Pureodine™ process resulting in our unique finished iodine product, and our private label solutions for meeting your vision and goals, Liquid Herbs International will help your business grow. Check out our website for more information, or call 435-823-8505.